Art for Peace is a beautifully creative way for your people to connect with each other and with their community and to raise funds for your town's own local family peace initiatives.

              "People who feel good about them selves naturally do better at relationship". 

Rob and Robin can provide comprehensive support for you and your community to host the Art for Peace event in your town. We do our best to be virtually invisible, working hard behind the scenes so that Art for Peace is essentially seen as a locally hosted, financed and facilitated project. Effectively it is a great way for your town or community to pro-actively say Yes to Personal, Domestic and Family Peace.

To be clear, It is up to each individual community to host, fund, organize and run the Art for Peace project. We are available throughout each event in a consultancy and support role, ensuring every possible success for all involved. 

Our fees are determined by how much support each different community needs and the size and location of the respective project.

As long as our costs are covered in the initial agreement all proceeds generated by the sale of canvases are to be used at the discretion of the hosting community. This money is intended to fund local family support initiatives. Where necessary funds can be utilised to recover some of the costs incurred in the staging of the event.

Rob and Robin ask only a moderate income from this work, we do this from our hearts and are not here for profit so we ask only that our direct expenses and cost of living be covered. We are completely transparent about this.

The following information may be helpful in clarifying each of our expected roles and the suggested process for project delivery. To summarize, we provide consultancy, logistical advice and promotional support as our basic package, while your group or organization are responsible for funding, creating, running and facilitating the project.

It is imperative that your town and community are seen to have local independent ownership and facilitation of the Art for Peace event (within the parameters set by the Say Yes Initiative) because a rich tapestry of connections are enabled through this process which must be encouraged and nurtured at a local level in order to be sustainable.

To begin the process Rob Clark meets (in person or via Skype if necessary) with key stakeholders as a group, with the aim of scoping the parameters of your project to:

  • Define your Art for Peace project
  • Review budget, funding sources and fundraising aspirations
  • Identify Venues and Dates
  • Define roles of key artists, project managers, support team
  • Identify community goals and scope level of public participation
  • Develop a fundraising event if required

Please note, it is up to you and your organisation to source, apply for and acquit funding grants on your own behalf. We are happy to supply information and relevant material in support of your funding applications and acquittals as part of the consultation process.

  1. Basic: (as mentioned above)  is for SYI to provide consultancy, logistical advice and promotional material only.
  2. Intermediate:  Rob Clark is engaged personally as the lead artist / project manager and he will work alongside your people on a part time basis to prepare and supply materials and facilitate the project at a negotiated rate.
  3. Full:  Rob Clark (with Robin Clayfield when she can be available) will provide full project management (working full time alongside your people) including all set up, materials, promotional, logistic, facilitation, grand fun finale event and bump out.
  4. All packages come with an assurance of after event support and follow up consultation on maintaining momentum and consistency of the Say Yes to Family Peace initiatives and message.

(Note, Robin is also available in her own right as a group facilitator supporting group work, decision making and governance processes. See

The Say Yes Team is committed to the growth of the Family Peace movement and therefore consultancy fees are kept deliberately reasonable.

The Say Yes Initiative prefers to supply all promotional material, signage and online promotion to maintain absolute consistency of message and branding. This is always at reasonable cost and in consultation with your team leaders.

SYI involvement and charges will depend on our availability and your location, budget and organisation’s level of engagement. Please discuss with us your requirements, we commit to negotiating an agreement which satisfies all involved, every possible support and excellent value for money. Fill in the form below and we will contact you directly.